Baptisms at St. Paul's
Rev. Nancy Ringham
(807) 627-5667
Get in touch
(807) 622-4945
We love baptisms at St. Paul's! We watch God’s transformative joy flood from the baptismal Candidates to their families, Godparents, friends, and church friends.
What’s the next step?
Please download this form and contact the church office to arrange a baptismal meeting at
(807) 622-4945
"We felt welcome from our very fisrt visit and were accepted as ourselves."

"You have raised her to the new life of grace. . . "
- From Baptismal Service

"I mark you as Christ's own forever."
You may be seeking baptism for yourself or for your child or grandchild. As part of the Anglican tradition, we do infant baptisms. However, many adults today have not been baptized, and adult baptisms are becoming popular.
Baptism is the sign of new life in Christ, and unites us with Jesus. We are baptized once in our lives, and through baptism, we become part of God’s new creation. We receive special blessings from God, which remain with us for a lifetime. Jesus’ ministry began with his baptism by John in the River Jordan. The Holy Spirit descended in the form of a dove (a sign of God’s presence) and a voice from heaven declared Jesus to be God’s beloved son.
Candidates are baptized as 'Christians,' not as 'Anglicans.' Christian churches around the world recognize baptisms done in a different Christian denomination. The ancient 'Trinitarian' formula is an essential part of baptism: "I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."
The sacrament of Holy Baptism usually occurs at a Sunday morning Service, surrounded by our loving community of Christians at St. Paul’s. Our Rector tries hard to accommodate your preferred date for baptism! The priest will say this special prayer over the newly baptized person:
"Heavenly Father, we thank you that by water and the Holy Spirit you have bestowed upon these your servants the forgiveness of sin, and have raised them to the new life of grace. Sustain them, O Lord, in your Holy Spirit. Give them an inquiring and discerning heart, the courage to will and to persevere, a spirit to know and to love you, and the gift of joy and wonder in all your works. Amen."
When choosing Godparents (sponsors), select Christian people who are committed to faith, and to growing in faith through worship, and participation in a Christian community.
At St. Paul’s, we do some special activities:
Each candidate will be baptized with a shell, with their name written on it in a gold pen. This shell, along with the baptismal candle, will be given to each newly baptized person.
Our Rector will meet with you at your home for baptismal preparation. There is a rehearsal with the Candidate, Parents, and Godparents before the baptism.
You will write a "Letter of Blessing" that you will read out at the baptism. These Letters of Blessing are the favourite part of the baptismal service.
Here are eight sample Letters of Blessing: