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Clergy and Staff

Who are we?
"Ambassadors for Christ"
What is our purpose?
As Ambassadors for Christ, we are called to
bring the Lord's grace, love and peace to everyone.

Associate Priest

Associate Priest: The Reverend Nancy Ringham

Rev Nancy is married to Bill and when they first arrived in Thunder Bay in 1999, St Paul’s became their family church. Following discernment and study, Rev Nancy was ordained Transitional Deacon at St Paul’s in 2003. She was ordained priest in June 2004 in SSM, and assisted at St Michael and All Angels and St Luke’s before she became Rector of the Parish of West Thunder Bay in 2005. In 2014, she was called to Hilldale Evangelical Lutheran Church where she served as English Pastor until her retirement from full-time parish ministry in 2019. Since then Youth ministry, visiting presbyter at Deanery churches, Full Communion advocate, and the occasional interim incumbent appointment have been among her ministries along with hiking the beautiful Superior cliffs, and actively being Grammie to two grandchildren in southern Ontario. She and Bill trailer camp in the summer and have welcomed a puppy to round out attempts at a balanced retired life! Rev Nancy is passionate about ministry, listening to the stories of many, and hearing what God is up to in the lives of parishioners. Experiencing parish ministry at St Paul’s is exciting and filled with hope and newness that changes bring and Rev Nancy is so grateful to be in this place at this time to provide leadership and vision among the Ambassadors who call this community home. She is so grateful for the team of ordained and lay leaders who offer many gifts to the glory of God in this place

The Reverend Nancy Ringham


Visiting Priest

The Reverend Robert Smith

Visiting Priest: The Reverend Rob Smith

He was born and raised as an Anglican at St. Alban's Church in Beamsville, Ontario.  After a journey of many different denominations, he ended up being ordained with the United Church of Canada after completing his studies at the Vancouver School of Theology.  Rob served an Indigenous Community of Faith in Bella Coola, British Columbia, and Knox United in Prince George, BC before coming to Thunder Bay, and is currently the Pastoral Relations Minister for the Canadian Shield and Shining Waters Regional Councils of the United Church of Canada.  Rob serves the United Churches from Thunder Bay to the Quebec border and south to Toronto.  I He says he is honoured to journey with St. Paul's at this time as a visiting Priest.  "I hope to bring you some joy and encouragement as you discern where God is calling you as a community of faith in this place and at this time."

Deacon Associate

The Reverend Anne Carr

807 577-1487

Deacon Associate: The Reverend Anne Carr

Deacon Anne has been our Deacon Associate for the past two years and we are blessed to have her. She is a kind and compassionate person who loves to visit parishioners at home or in the hospital. Anne was a nurse for many years, working in Public Health and Home Care programs. When she moved to Thunder Bay she started courses in pastoral care and worked as a chaplain at the Cancer Centre for 11 years. Following God’s call, she was ordained to the Vocational Diaconate in 2001. Anne is the mother of two adult sons and grandmother of three sweet little ones. She is married to St. Paul’s former Rector, the Rev. Canon Paul Carr. Anne hears God’s song of the universe through worship, singing, and traveling.


Honourary Assistant

Father Gordon Holroyd


Honourary Assistant: Father Gordon Holroyd

B.Th. (Thorneloe University)
After being called to serve in other parishes in the Deanery of Thunder Bay-North Shore over the past eight years, Fr. Gordon Holroyd has returned to St. Paul’s in late 2020, and we welcome him back with open arms.

Fr. Gordon was licensed as an Honorary Assistant to St. Paul’s in 2005 and that license has remained while he has been called to serve as an Interim Incumbent in other parishes.

In recognition that his license stands as the Honorary Assistant for St. Paul’s, and in anticipation of his return, his name has always remained on our church signs, as well as on the ‘Diocesan Cycle of Prayer’ listing for St. Paul’s.

We celebrate Fr. Gordon’s servant heart and his desire to serve the Lord wherever he is called. 

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Music Director

Dr. Sean Kim

807 355-1203

Music Director: Dr. Sean Kim

B.Mus., Theory & Composition (Western), M.Mus., Composition (Western), Ph.D., Systemic Musicology (Western)


Sean, his wife Dawn, and their four children come to St. Paul’s from St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Thunder Bay, where Sean served as the Organist.  Sean has recently been awarded his Ph.D. in Systemic Musicology from Western University. He is also the new Operations & Education Manager for the Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra.

Parish Assistant

Christine French

807 622-4945

Parish Assistant: Christine French

(H.B.A., Lakehead University)

When you phone St. Paul’s, the first person that you will most likely speak with is Christine. She has served as Parish Assistant for 15 years, and she is known for her warm and friendly personality. Christine loves God and loves this parish. She is committed to excellence and brings creativity and beauty to our weekly service bulletins and our weekly newsletter The Ambassador. Christine serves on the Lenten Retreat Committee. St. Paul’s was the first church she visited when she came to Thunder Bay; she immediately felt at home and has never left. Christine and her husband Christopher were married here 14 years ago. She loves her job and feels ever close to her St. Paul’s family; it’s a great privilege to earn a living ‘building the kingdom’ and it sure keeps her busy! (Christopher says he became Property Chair so he could spend time with her). They cherish each other and an annual trek to Quetico, where they ‘unplug’ and paddle rain or shine. They love to walk, read and putter in the garden. Christine and Christopher loved being part of St. Paul’s pilgrimage to Greece and Israel and they can’t wait to travel to Italy with our parish family next spring.


Rector's Warden

Dorothy Piccinin


Deputy Warden

Candace LaFrance

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Youth Leaders

Jen Snowden & Jasmine Sandham

Children's Ministries & Food For The Soul

Laurie Sandham

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St. Paul's Media

Deirdre Sandham & Daniel Klein

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