St. Paul's and all of our outreach and Food For The Soul programs run entirely on a donation basis.
There are many ways you can donate to St. Paul's:
1. Through your online banking, you can make an e-transfer. Your offering will be automatically deposited into the church bank account and the amount will be added
to your regular offering for 2021

Make an etransfer to:
2. Using your Credit Card, you can fill out the form below.
*may not work with all phones; if you have problems please use your laptop or desktop computer.
3. The Electronic Offering Programme is a convenient way to tithe. You specify the amount that you would like to give and it is automatically withdrawn each month.
Great choice for anyone who travels so they can continue to support St. Paul's while
they are away.
4. The App works with any phone and is ideal if you prefer to donate weekly. It's also the perfect way to make a one-time gift for a special occasion. The App is free to download.
Go to
5. Donation Envelopes if you prefer to make your monthly tithe using cash or cheque.
Please contact the church office at 622-4945

6. Snail Mail You can mail a cheque to
808 Ridgeway Street
Thunder Bay, ON
P7E 5H5
receipts will be given for all donations over $20
God bless you and your generosity in your support of St. Paul's
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:21